
Training, learning courses and more

An Indigenous Place Names Handbook: Sharing the Gwich’in Experience in Canada. The Gwich’in Tribal Council Department of Culture and Heritage worked with more than 70 Elders and traditional land users to document place names and create an inventory of heritage sites in the Gwich’in Settlement Region of the Northwest Territories and Yukon. On behalf of the Geographical Names Board of Canada, Natural Resources Canada supported the Gwich’in Tribal Council in publishing their documentation and best practices as a handbook with the goal of helping other Indigenous communities repatriate their own place names. The handbook includes an abstract and Elder acknowledgements and biographies.

Online streaming of The Edge of the Knife.

National Breath of Live Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages- Training Modules:

Diversity Makes Beautiful Music with DJ O Show. January 31, 2024. UBC Learning Circle.

Recording: talking regalia with Shannon and Ryan Gustafsson. December 11, 2023. 

2023 Language Documentation Training Webinars. Endangered Languages Project. 

Indigenous Protocols for the Visual Arts.

Indigenous Language Education Policy in Canada:

Amelia Douglas Institute for Métis Culture and Language Website:

Words of our Ancestors. (MNBC). An Introduction to Michif and Indigenous Language Revitalization. 

Creating Online Indigenous Language Courses. NEȾOLṈEW̱. Visit:

Federal Indigenous Languages Act

The Department of Canadian Heritage held the Indigenous Languages Symposium from January 25 to 29, 2021. The theme was Building on Strengths and Successes. The Symposium provided an opportunity for the federal government and Indigenous peoples, as well as other stakeholders, to share best practices and discuss their perspectives. Visit this link for recordings:

Useful Information: 
