Resources – April 2024
Training, courses, policies and other useful information.
Check out all these amazing resources.
- IBPOC Museum Professionals Network. Cultivating Careers Series: https://museum.bc.ca/brain/ibpoc-network-cultivating-careers-series/
- Words and Cultures. Words and Culture weaves conversations with Indigenous language and knowledge keepers together with music by Indigenous artists. The team creating this original content is made up exclusively of Indigenous producers, hosts and guests. Words and Culture is funded by SiriusXM Canada through the Community Radio Fund of Canada. https://www.wordsandculture.ca/
- Heritage Languages and the Well-Being of Speakers. Linguapax review 11, 2023. Article by CHUUTSQA LAYLA RORICK: It Flows Through my Inner Conscience Like a River: Teaching at the Confluence of Hesquiaht Language Flow and Second Language Acquisition.
- Geographical names supporting the international decade of indigenous languages. Information Bulletin. United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names. December 2023.
- An Indigenous Place Names Handbook: Sharing the Gwich’in Experience in Canada. The Gwich’in Tribal Council Department of Culture and Heritage worked with more than 70 Elders and traditional land users to document place names and create an inventory of heritage sites in the Gwich’in Settlement Region of the Northwest Territories and Yukon. On behalf of the Geographical Names Board of Canada, Natural Resources Canada supported the Gwich’in Tribal Council in publishing their documentation and best practices as a handbook with the goal of helping other Indigenous communities repatriate their own place names. The handbook includes an abstract and Elder acknowledgements and biographies.
- National Breath of Live Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages- Training Modules: https://mc.miamioh.edu/nbol/training/index
- 2023 Language Documentation Training Webinars. Endangered Languages Project.
- Indigenous Protocols for the Visual Arts. https://www.indigenousprotocols.art/
- Indigenous Language Education Policy in Canada: https://indigenouslanguagepolicy.ca/
- Amelia Douglas Institute for Métis Culture and Language Website: https://ameliadouglasinstitute.ca/
- Words of our Ancestors. (MNBC). An Introduction to Michif and Indigenous Language Revitalization.
- Creating Online Indigenous Language Courses. NEȾOLṈEW̱. Visit: https://www.youtube.com/@netolnew991