The First Peoples’ Cultural Council launched FirstVoices.com . Find information on this and more.
FirstVoices celebrates its 20th anniversary on International Mother Language Day with the announcement of a new site design and added features. February 21, 2024. The First Peoples’ Cultural Council launched FirstVoices.com 20 years ago as a joint initiative with the First Peoples’ Cultural Foundation. This Indigenous-led technology makes language revitalization tools accessible to all B.C. First Nations. In celebration of 20 years and in honour of International Mother Language Day we are excited to announce a new logo, website design and new features to better support use of the platform. Watch the Celebrating FirstVoices 20th Anniversary video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MU3Q6EjGpM
First Peoples’ Cultural Foundation Engagement Survey. For the past 20+ years, we’ve built meaningful relationships with funders and partners around the world who are uplifting the work of communities, but we feel there is still room to learn about you – our donors, supporters, and subscribers and ensure our communications and engagement are resonating with all in our ecosystem. We welcome your engagement in this short survey, all who participate will have the option of receiving a small gift of appreciation from our team. Thank you for joining us on this journey towards uplifting Indigenous languages, arts, and cultural heritage!
Hockey in Cree is Back! Hockey Night in Canada. Get ready for some thrilling NHL action in Plains Cree! The much-awaited Hockey Night in Canada in Cree is back for another exciting season. The on-air personalities Clarence Irons, Earl Wood, John Chabot, and Jason Chamakese will bring you Cree play-by-play, in-studio updates, and language education like never before.
International Decade of Indigenous Languages
The Global Task Force for Making a Decade of Action for Indigenous Languages was officially launched by UNESCO with participation of Member States, indigenous peoples’ organizations, three-party United Nations mechanisms, the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
· September 2023. Assembly of First Nations. First Nations National Action Plan for the United Nations International Decade of Indigenous Languages.
· April 22, 2022. Canadian Launch of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages. https://rcgs.org/indigenous-languages/
· March 17, 2022. FPCC website for Decade of Indigenous Languages. https://fpcc.ca/stories/the-decade-of-indigenous-languages/
· November 16, 2021. Read the Global Action Plan: https://en.unesco.org/idil2022-2032/globalactionplan
· OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://idil2022-2032.org/