Culture, Care, Connections and Crafts

Culture, Care, Connection and Crafts. MNBC. The Miyooayaan/Wellness Workers will be running two 5-week programs for Métis individuals to learn more about culture, Métis history, how to take care of each other, self-love/boundaries, intergenerational trauma, grief and loss, traditional medicines and Métis stories/values. This will also be an opportunity to connect with others, and to

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Short Film Award

Short Film Award (Motion Picture Production Industry Association). Closes September 22, 2023. This award supports an emerging filmmaker to develop their directing career by realizing a unique creative vision in a short film project. The award consists of up to $15K in cash (Creative BC $5K, MPPIA $10K) plus in-kind services valued up to $100K from across

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2023 imagineNATIVE TOUR

2023 imagineNATIVE TOUR.  The imagineNATIVE Tour is one of imagineNATIVE’s largest initiatives outside of our annual Festival. Every year, the imagineNATIVE Tour brings Indigenous-made film and video works, as well as community engagement activities to communities across Turtle Island (Canada). After each Festival, imagineNATIVE curates a selection of Indigenous works from across Canada that will

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Consultations on the Renewal of the Museum Policy

Consultations on the renewal of the Museum Policy. (Federal Government). Survey Open Until June 2023. At the National Culture Summit on the Future of Arts, Culture and Heritage in Canada in May 2022, the Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage announced that Canadian Heritage would begin work on renewing the Canadian Museum Policy. The renewal will take

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Robert Lemon Heritage Studies Prize

Robert Lemon Heritage Studies Prize. Closes June 15, 2023. The goal of the prize is to encourage interest in conservation and facilitate heritage conservation research in Canada and abroad. The prize is designed to assist the next generation of heritage conservation professionals to cover costs associated with their education and research. The award is $4,000. To

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UBC Summer Science Program

UBC Summer Science Program. Apply by May 31, 2023. UBC Summer Science is planning to be running in-person from July 9th-22nd, 2023. There will be two sessions of Summer Science. The week 1 session of the program will be for students going into grades 11/12 and the week 2 session will be for students going into grades

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Heritage Online: BCMA Digital Capacity Audit

Heritage Online: BCMA Digital Capacity Audit. The BC Museums Association (BCMA) recognizes the continued need and desire for digital learning in the arts, culture, and heritage sector. Through Heritage Online (HerO), the BCMA offers organizations the chance to improve their impact online. Complete this survey to help us explore and improve sector specific training and

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Indigenous Communities Fellowship

Indigenous Communities Fellowship. Closes May 9, 2023. The 2023 Indigenous Communities Fellowship is open to all innovators supporting community-based solutions by and for Indigenous communities across the United States and Canada. Although the United States and Canada have unique legal relationships with the Indigenous peoples of North America, they have a shared history of colonization and modern

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Call for Proposals: Short Films on First Peoples’ Cultural Revitalization in BC

Call for Proposals: Short Films on First Peoples’ Cultural Revitalization in BC. Deadline March 17, 2023. Knowledge Network, in partnership with the First Peoples’ Cultural Council, is seeking Indigenous filmmakers to produce stories reflecting the cultural values First Peoples bring to British Columbia. These stories will be broadcast on Knowledge Network and its streaming platforms. We are

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