Funding May 2024
Many BC Arts Council programs, Giving Voice, Environmental Damages Fund (supporting fish habitats).For communities in the North- check out Northern Development’s summer intake and Connected Communities- supporting broadband infrastructure
Sealaska is now accepting applications for 2024-2025 language grants, which support efforts to preserve Sm’algyax, X̱aad Kíl and Lingít. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until all funds are allocated. Sealaska’s endowment is designed to amplify the efforts of other individuals, informal groups and formal institutions throughout Southeast Alaska.
Office of the Commissioner of Indigenous Languages. Invitation for submissions: Innovation Projects that Support Indigenous Languages. On-going basis- no deadline. Each fiscal year, the Commission will invest in a limited number of innovation projects, subject to available budget. These projects will create something new in the Indigenous languages space, and/or significantly improve upon initiatives that already exist, in order to effect real change. As stated in the Commission’s mandate, these innovative projects must be specific to Indigenous languages education and revitalization. There are no deadlines for submission, and the Commission invites project submissionson an ongoing basis.
The Equity and Emerging Development Program. Closes May 10, 2024. This program aims to provide direct and targeted support to emerging and/or equity seeking B.C. filmmakers. Creators can receive a grant of up to $10,000 to cover the cost of bringing together a development team to do research, develop a concept or write a script. The grants are available for a wide range of content including scripted feature length films or series, animated features or series, and documentaries/factual one-offs or series.
2 Billion Trees. May 16, 2024. The 2 Billion Trees (2BT) program has launched an ongoing call for proposals – applications can be submitted anytime. Tree Planting Stream: for organizations, including for-profit organizations and non-profit organizations interested in tree planting projects. Indigenous Funding Stream: for Indigenous governments/ communities/ organizations interested in tree planting and/or capacity building projects. Capacity Building Stream: for non-profit organizations seeking to focus on activities that build and transfer knowledge, expertise and experience related to planting and managing trees and forests. The program will prioritize projects that demonstrate that the funded activities will directly support future 2BT planting activities.
BC Arts Council Grant Programs. The BC Arts Council has MANY programs with intakes throughout the year. Please visit their website for information for all opportunities: https://www.bcartscouncil.ca/program.
- Arts-Based Community Development & Leon and Thea Koerner Award. Closes May 16, 2024. Supports eligible organizations to either: Engage professional artists in the development and delivery of projects that provide arts-based community development impacts and benefits to a specified community through the creation and presentation of new artworks or Provide training or mentoring for artists or community workers to understand and learn about how to create and safely implement or facilitate arts-based community development projects.
- Project Assistance: Museums and Indigenous Cultural Centres. Closes May 23, 2024
- supports eligible museums, Indigenous cultural centres and arts or curatorial collectives with the development and creation of artistic or cultural history programming and community engagement initiatives. Grants up to $25,000.
- Project Assistance: Professional Arts Festivals. Closes May 23, 2024.
- supports eligible organizations and arts or curatorial collectives in the development, enrichment, and creation of new or unique public programming through a specific project, component, or programming initiative within an existing festival. Grants up to $25,000.
- Project Assistance: Visual Arts Organizations. Closes May 23, 2024.
- supports organizations and arts or curatorial collectives in the development, expansion, enhancement, or creation of new or unique public programming and community engagement initiatives in contemporary and traditional visual arts and craft. Grants up to $25,000.
- Project Assistance: Professional Performing Arts Organizations. Closes May 23, 2024.
- supports the development, creation, production, realization, dissemination, or live performance of classical, experimental, original, traditional, and contemporary performing art forms from all world cultures. Performing Arts includes dance, music, theatre, multidisciplinary, or other performing arts practices such as circus arts and comedy. Grants up to $25,000.
- Project Assistance: Literary Arts. Closes. May 23, 2024.
- supports eligible literary arts organizations or collectives to develop, enrich, and promote Canadian literature and writers through publishing, presentation, and dissemination of literary works and the development of new or unique public programming and community engagement initiatives. Grants up to $25,000.
- Individual Arts Grants: Professional Performing Artists. Closes May 30, 2024.
- support initiatives in the development, creation, production, realization, dissemination, or live performance of classical, experimental, original, traditional, and contemporary performing art forms from all world cultures. Performing arts includes dance, music, theatre, multidisciplinary, or other performing arts practices such as circus arts and comedy. Grants up to $25,000.
- Project Assistance: Media Arts Organizations. Closes May 23, 2024.
- supports eligible organizations and arts or curatorial collectives in the development, expansion, enhancement, or creation of new or unique independent media arts works, programming and community engagement initiatives. Projects and works must be independent of commercial industries for film, video, and gaming. Grants up to $25,000.
Environmental Damages Fund. Closes May 30, 2024. For projects related to the conservation and protection of fish or fish habitat or the restoration of fish habitat in BC. See website for more details.
Story to Action Program. Closes June 3, 2024. This is an 9 month program from June 2024 to April 2025. The STORY TO ACTION team creates impact strategies and executes impact campaigns for 3 completed and premiered documentary films. Filmmakers and producers with present and historic barriers to access are especially encouraged to apply. This includes, but is not limited, to Indigenous Peoples, people of colour, people with disabilities, and LGBTQIA2S+. Film must be non-fiction documentary media with a runtime between 20 to 150 minutes (multiple episodes of doc series are eligible). Content must focus on environmental or social justice issues. Information sessions will be held May 13 and 17th, 2024.
Connected Communities. Closes June 20, 2024. The Program funds Broadband Infrastructure to reach Underserved
Households in areas that currently lack internet service of at least 50 Megabits per second (Mbps) Download Speed /10 Mbps Upload Speed. CCBC is funded through a total investment of up to $830 million, funded equally by both
the federal and British Columbia provincial levels of government.
Giving Voice. Closes June 28, 2024. The Minister’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Women (MACIW) is pleased to announce the 2024-2025 Giving Voice Call for Proposals. Funding is available for community groups and organizations who want to host or participate in community-based events that would “Give Voice” to stopping violence against Indigenous women and girls, as well as assist with community mobilization and implementation. Up to $30,000 per project is available.
Northern Development Summer Intake. Closes July 31, 2024. Various programs open.
- Cultural Infrastructure Program. This program provides funding to support construction of new or revitalization of art and cultural facilities to increase and improve the access to and quality of professional arts and cultural facilities for residents and tourists alike. Up to $100,000 available to a maximum of 70 % for upgrades or repairs to an existing facility or amenity and up to $300,000 available to a maximum of 50 % for new construction and/or substantial upgrades to existing facilities. All applicants must be located within Northern Development’s service region.
Indigenous Labour Market Fund. Closes December 1, 2024. This fund will support Indigenous communities in building capacity in gathering foundational data used to identify gaps, opportunities, and strategies for future employment training, recruitment, placements, retention, and long-term employment to increase the participation of Indigenous peoples in sectors relevant to each indigenous community or region. Three funding streams are available: Labour Market Study stream with grants up to $150,000; Cultural Recognition Support stream with grants up to $250,000 and the Job Fairs stream with grants up to $75,000. Applicants can apply to any one of the 3 streams of funding but can only receive funding one funding stream (i.e. project) at a time.
Music Industry Initiatives. Closes March 1, 2025. This program supports initiatives and events that build the capacity of B.C.’s music industry by developing knowledge, skills, processes, resources, opportunities, and abilities to meet existing needs. Priority will be given to new or expanding initiatives, and to projects that serve a clear need or gap.
Projects must demonstrate a broad benefit to B.C.’s music industry, or to an aspect of B.C.’s music industry, and cannot predominantly benefit one artist, company, organization, or their clients. Projects must have a business or industry development component, and not focus primarily on artistic growth. For example, this program supports workshops on touring and building audiences and skills related to the use of technology, but does not fund music lessons, coaching, or masterclasses. Grant amounts: $2,000 – $60,000, funding up to 75% of project expenses. The remaining 25% may be in-kind contributions, investment, earned revenue, and/or other public funding.
Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion Fund. Closes when funds are fully committed. Funding up to $100,000 per year, over two years is available for Indigenous-led non-profits to support immediate work in enhancing poverty reduction and social inclusion initiatives. The objectives of the PRF are: Provide funding to support or offset costs of Indigenous organizations working toward one or more of the 6 priority action areas as identified in the Province of B.C.’s Poverty Reduction Strategy including: Housing, Family, Children, Youth, Education, Employment, Income Supports, Social Supports; and to Reduce barriers, provide for cultural accommodation and flexibility for Indigenous led non-profits to access immediate funding to supplement their financial and service capacity in delivering poverty reduction and social inclusion initiatives.
Climate Disaster Response Fund. (Heritage BC) Applications Processed on first come, first served basis. is a one-time grant opportunity that will provide limited resources to heritage-focused organizations with resources damaged by recent climate and natural disasters in British Columbia. The total allocation of funds is $75,000 with a maximum award of $8,000. Heritage BC reserves the right to manage each request internally. All projects must indicate immediacy and urgency of the issues, an approximate timeline for scope of work, and a feasible project within the framework of this grant.
The Ministry of Post-Secondary Education & Future Skills (PSFS) provides funding through the Indigenous Skills Training and Education program (ISTE) to First Nations, Métis Nation BC and the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres, to support their self-determined educational and labour market needs and priorities. Through community-based programming, Indigenous peoples and communities have increased access to culturally-relevant skills training and post-secondary education, leading to labour market participation, employment, further education and training, community revitalization, and socioeconomic well-being. Please contact PSFS staff by email ([email protected]) to obtain more information on criteria and how to apply.
Canada Council for the Arts Funding. Creating, Knowing, Sharing: The Arts and Cultures of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. See Grants and Deadlines: https://canadacouncil.ca/funding/grants/deadlines
Legacy Fund- Building Communities through Arts and Heritage. (Federal Government). Applications accepted on continuous basis. This Department of Canadian Heritage Program provides funding for community-initiated capital projects, intended for community use. Recipients may receive up to 50 per cent of eligible project expenses up to a maximum of $500,000. unding supports community-initiated capital projects that: commemorate a significant local historical event or pay tribute to a significant local historical personality; mark a 100th anniversary or greater, in increments of 25 years (e.g., 125th, 150th); involve the restoration, renovation, or transformation of existing buildings or exterior spaces with local community significance that are intended for community use; encourage arts and heritage activities in the local community that are intended for and accessible to the general public.
Canada Cultural Spaces Fund. (Federal Government). No deadline- on-going. The Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (CCSF) supports the improvement of physical conditions for arts, heritage, culture and creative innovation. The Fund supports renovation and construction projects, the acquisition of specialized equipment and feasibility studies related to cultural spaces. The CCSF annual grants and contributions budget is $54 million for the period 2018-2028.
National Creation Fund. No Deadline. The National Arts Centre’s National Creation Fund invests up to $3 million a year in the development of 15 to 20 compelling and ambitious new Canadian works in theatre, dance, music and inter-disciplinary performing arts. Fuelled entirely by donors, the Fund provides Canadian artists with the additional time, space and resources they need to create great work. The Fund invests in both new work, and in promising productions that need additional development after their initial run to produce stronger, more polished work that will be remounted and toured across Canada and around the world.
Movable Cultural Property Grants. (Federal Government). No Deadline. Movable Cultural Property Grants help designated organizations acquire cultural property of outstanding significance and national importance to Canada, as outlined in the Cultural Property Export and Import Act. Designated organizations are located in Canada and demonstrate the ability to ensure the long-term preservation of cultural property. Grants can be used to purchase cultural property: for which an export permit has been denied; or that is important to Canada’s national heritage and available for purchase outside the country.