
Story Money Impact Pod ProgramCloses February 24, 2025. This year, we are looking to support five participants who are actively engaged in impact work either in the development, production or dissemination of a Canadian documentary film. The SMI Pod program is a four month applied mentorship adventure to support five individuals as they build their impact skills on an existing project. This mentorship focuses on the skills and strategies that support the content being used as a tool for positive change in the issue area it explores. An honorarium of $3,250 will be provided to participants for their time.

The Music Industry Initiatives Program (Amplify BC). Closes March 1, 2025. This program supports initiatives that grow and develop British Columbia’s music ecosystem. Successful projects will build the capacity of B.C.’s music industry through training, knowledge transfer, and the creation of new business opportunities. Canadian companies, not-for-profit organizations, individuals, and collectives are able to apply. $2,000 – $60,000, funding up to 75% of project expenses. The remaining 25% may be in-kind contributions, investment, earned revenue, and/or other public funding.

Travel Funding- Indigenous Screen OfficeUntil March 1, 2025 or when funds are depleted. ISO offers travel funding to support Indigenous screen-based creatives for activities that require travel including festival and market attendance, conferences, community engagement, training opportunities, and artistic screen-based collaboration across Canada and internationally. $2,500 for Canada-wide travel. $3,000 for United States travel. $4,500 for international travel. 

Demo Recording Program (Creative BC). Closes March 12, 2025. The Demo Recording program supports new and emerging artists from systemically excluded groups living in B.C. to engage in sound recording and mentorship with local music producers. Artists and producers can apply together for a $2,000 grant to cover 100% of recording expenses for one to two songs.

Business Foundations Program (Creative BC). Closes March 12, 2025. This program invests in growing businesses owned by people from systemically excluded groups in B.C.’s music ecosystem, to expand and develop networks, capacity, and infrastructure. Businesses can apply for grants up to $10,000 to support business operations, funding up to 100% of expenses.

Indigenous Research Fund. Closes March 14, 2025. This fund is intended to increase access for Indigenous peoples to the BC Archives (BCA) collections; + / or the Royal BC Museum Indigenous Collections and Repatriation (ICAR) Department materials. One grant of $2,000 is awarded annually and can be used for: travel costs to the BC Archives +/or RBCM in Victoria, B.C. (including accommodations/meals), hiring a researcher for work done at the BC Archives or at the Indigenous Collections and Repatriation Department, or other costs associated with work undertaken at BCA +/or ICAR, as identified by the applicant.

First Peoples Cultural Council- Arts, Music & Heritage Grants Available

  • Arts Infrastructure Program. Closes March 19, 2025. This program supports B.C. First Nations-led non-profit arts and culture organizations and societies with art spaces construction or renovations, artistic production projects, administrative capacity building and operational support. There are three areas of funding to choose from: Organizations (up to $50,000), Community Art Spaces (up to $75,000) and Arts Administrative Internships (Up to $40,000). 
  • Arts Strengthening ProgramCloses March 19, 2025. This program supports arts revitalization opportunities for B.C. First Nations creatives to pursue either a one-on-one arts mentorships or arts group knowledge transfer. Projects in this program focus on the transfer of essential artistic and cultural knowledge to new generations of B.C First Nations artists to support the strengthening and continuation of significant cultural practices. FPCC strongly encourages collaboration. If applying as an organization for group knowledge transfer, only one program per Band Office, Tribal Council or Society/Organization will be eligible for funding. You can choose one of two areas to apply for: One-on-one Arts Mentorships (Up to $30,000) or Arts Group Knowledge Transfer (Up to $50,000). 
  • Individual Artists ProgramCloses March 19, 2025. This program supports the artistic development of B.C. First Nations creators residing in B.C. The program supports creative practices of any medium or expression and those who have demonstrated a commitment to their artistic practice. This may include carvers, storytellers, visual artists, choreographers, dancers, dance groups, performance artists, regalia creatives, weavers, writers, multi-media artists and sculptors. Funding supports artists to further develop their creative practice, present their work in community and explore new approaches and techniques. This program also includes scholarships for applicants pursuing a post-secondary education in the arts. The Individual Artists Program offers two funding options: Individual Artists (up to $20,000) and Scholarships (up to $15,000). 
  • Braided Knowledge GrantCloses March 25, 2025. This grant supports B.C. First Nation community projects that weave together their arts, languages, and heritage. With an emphasis on mentoring and apprenticeship, this grant helps ensure the protection, transmission, and intergenerational knowledge transfer of B.C. First Nations’ languages, arts, and heritage. Grants from $10,000 to $25,000 are available. An information session will be held on February 27, 2025.

Michif Language Grants (MNBC). Closes March 30, 2025. Michif language revitalization is at a pivotal moment. In support of Aan Michif Piikishkwaytaak: MNBC’s 10-Year Michif Language Revitalization Plan, the Ministry of Culture, Heritage & Language is pleased to offer three grants to fund learning initiatives and activities that promote or celebrate the Michif language in BC: Michif Learning Initiatives Grant (up to $30,000), Michif Language Celebration Grant (up to $10,000), and Michif Language and the Arts Grant (up to $10,000). Learn more by attending the February 11th information session.

Canada-France Agreement — Museums Assistance Program. (Canadian Heritage). Closes March 31, 2025. The Canada-France Agreement component of the Museums Assistance Program (MAP) provides funding for joint missions between French and Canadian heritage organizations, to create ties and enhance competencies of museum professionals.

Aknumustiǂis: Ecological Engagement Through the Seasons 2025. Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity. Closes May 7, 2025. The five-week hybrid residency will engage 12 visual artists whose artistic practice includes land-based themes, environmental sustainability, Indigenous narratives of the land, and/or use of natural materials. Artists can apply with a personal project to explore, experiment and research, or complete their final project work. The residency features workshops, on-the-land engagement, faculty guidance, knowledge exchange centered on integrating Indigenous ways of knowing into the artistic process and the opportunity to showcase works at Open Studios. This program is geared towards established Indigenous visual artists from regional, national, and global locations. Full scholarships are available. 

Urban Communities Partnering for Reconciliation. Funding permitting, eligible applicants may submit one application between September 1, 2024 and August 31, 2025. This program was created as a multipartner, community-driven approach focused on improving the socio-economic outcomes for urban Indigenous communities in BC, including Inuit, First Nations and Métis populations. Funding is available to support eligible Indigenous organizations and local governments to work together to create opportunities for in-person dialogue and relationship building which can help advance collaborative reconciliation plans, protocols, agreements or future projects.

BC Arts Council Grant Programs. The BC Arts Council has MANY programs with intakes throughout the year. Please visit their website for information for all opportunities:

Canada Council for the Arts Funding. Creating, Knowing, Sharing: The Arts and Cultures of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. See Grants and Deadlines:

RBC Foundation FundingRBC Emerging Artists. Applications accepted year-round. Support initiatives that help emerging artists by bridging the gap from academic to professional career.

Legacy Fund- Building Communities through Arts and Heritage. (Federal Government). Applications accepted on continuous basis. This Department of Canadian Heritage Program provides funding for community-initiated capital projects, intended for community use. Recipients may receive up to 50 per cent of eligible project expenses up to a maximum of $500,000. unding supports community-initiated capital projects that: commemorate a significant local historical event or pay tribute to a significant local historical personality; mark a 100th anniversary or greater, in increments of 25 years (e.g., 125th, 150th); involve the restoration, renovation, or transformation of existing buildings or exterior spaces with local community significance that are intended for community use; encourage arts and heritage activities in the local community that are intended for and accessible to the general public.

Canada Cultural Spaces Fund. (Federal Government). No deadline- on-going. The Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (CCSF) supports the improvement of physical conditions for arts, heritage, culture and creative innovation. The Fund supports renovation and construction projects, the acquisition of specialized equipment and feasibility studies related to cultural spaces. The CCSF annual grants and contributions budget is $54 million for the period 2018-2028.

National Creation Fund. No Deadline. The National Arts Centre’s National Creation Fund invests up to $3 million a year in the development of 15 to 20 compelling and ambitious new Canadian works in theatre, dance, music and inter-disciplinary performing arts. Fuelled entirely by donors, the Fund provides Canadian artists with the additional time, space and resources they need to create great work. The Fund invests in both new work, and in promising productions that need additional development after their initial run to produce stronger, more polished work that will be remounted and toured across Canada and around the world.

Movable Cultural Property Grants. (Federal Government). No Deadline. Movable Cultural Property Grants help designated organizations acquire cultural property of outstanding significance and national importance to Canada, as outlined in the Cultural Property Export and Import Act. Designated organizations are located in Canada and demonstrate the ability to ensure the long-term preservation of cultural property. Grants can be used to purchase cultural property: for which an export permit has been denied; or that is important to Canada’s national heritage and available for purchase outside the country.
