FPCC Arts Vitality Survey is live. Check out the Opportunities to find more information.
Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity.
- Write Over Here: Indigenous Screenwriting Residency. Closes September 11, 2024.
- Calling our Spirits Home: Indigenous Women in Leadership. Closes January 7, 2025.
First Nations Arts Vitality Survey (First Peoples’ Cultural Council). Closes December 2, 2024. The Arts Vitality Survey is for any member of a B.C. First Nation arts community that is creating, teaching, learning or supporting B.C. First Nations arts! The purpose of the Arts Vitality Survey is to gather knowledge about the relationships and networks that define the B.C. First Nations arts community. The survey is part of a larger research study to document B.C. First Nations arts vitality and to better understand community needs to preserve and revitalize B.C. First Nations arts knowledge and practices. This includes traditional knowledge and practices as well as arts that have adapted to contemporary contexts.
Call for Submissions: Indigenous Authors Indigenous Resilience & Resurgence in the Transformation of Governance and Public Administration in Canada. Special Issue in the “Canadian Journal of Public Administration”. The leadership by Indigenous people addressing colonial impacts is reshaping Canadian public administration. This special issue seeks to explore Indigenous resilience and resurgence, focusing on their transformative effects on governance, programs, and policies across all orders of government. We invite submissions examining how these themes influence public administration, opening paths to reconciliation. Contributions reflecting on the social, political, and cultural dimensions of Indigenous-led initiatives are encouraged. We welcome diverse methodological and theoretical approaches from Indigenous scholars, policymakers, and practitioners in public administration. We are looking for Indigenous authors or co-authorships where the first author is Indigenous. Submissions will be 5000–6000 words, including references. Submissions will be in APA format. Abstracts of 200 words are to be submitted by September 30, 2024. Contact Susanne Thiessen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Associate Director, School of Public Administration, The University of Victoria, Phone: 250-507-4994, Email: sthiesse@uvic
BCMA Accountability Practices Survey. The BC Museums Association is doing a research project on accountability practices. Thank you for contributing to this research by filling out our survey! The purpose of this survey is to gather information on personal and organizational experiences with ethics and reporting/whistleblowing. The goal is to use survey responses to build a base understanding of the needs in our sector, and how this research project can help meet them. Your survey feedback will help guide the focus and outcomes of the research. It helps us understand the needs of our community and will further inform our policies, resources, programs, and future support services. It also allows us to better advocate on behalf of the cultural heritage sector. This research particularly helps us to support racialized, historically marginalized, and gender non-conforming communities, who we understand to be disproportionately affected by inequitable accountability practices. We encourage people with all levels of ethics knowledge and experience to participate in this survey, as we hope to gain a better understanding of the overall needs and experiences in the sector.
Survey on Indigenous Peoples and the Media. In 2023, the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) underlined the need for the examination of national policies, practices, and funding programmes on Indigenous Peoples’ media in its 22nd session report to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). The UNPFII also mandated UNESCO, in partnership with relevant UN entities and Indigenous Peoples, to conduct a study on Indigenous Peoples and the media (E/2023/43-E/C.19/2023/7, paragraph 10) and present their findings at its annual session in 2025 (E/2024/43-E/C.19/2024/8, paragraph 57-58). To this end, UNESCO is launching a survey to gather information from around the world. The results of this data collection will reveal regional differences in the functioning of Indigenous-led media. It will also help to gain a better understanding of the nature and diversity of needs, challenges, and opportunities for both Indigenous Peoples’ and mainstream media organisations. The global survey is expected to provide valuable insights and stimulate public debate on the development of free, independent and pluralistic media.