25th Annual imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival. Closes February 7, 2025. Get ready to submit your work to the world’s largest Indigenous film and media arts Festival! The upcoming 25th annual imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival will take place in-person at the TIFF Lightbox in Toronto from June 3-8, 2025, and move to our online streaming and iNdigital platforms from June 9-15, 2025.We are accepting Film + Video works (including cinematic films, music videos, web series, tv series), Digital + Interactive works (including non-interactive digital works, XR, video games, choose-your-own-adventure), and Audio works (including soundscapes, sound art, radio plays, audiobooks, podcasts).
CALL FOR INTEREST: Youth Climate Documentary Filmmakers in Metro Vancouver. Closes February 15, 2025. Are you a young filmmaker (age 18-35) passionate about climate storytelling? Story Money Impact and the BC Climate Action Secretariat are seeking five BC documentarians to participate in the Youth Climate Summit from March 27–28, 2025 in Vancouver. Selected filmmakers will connect with climate experts, policymakers, and youth leaders to pitch their ideas for impactful climate stories.
Internships at the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. Closes March 1, 2025. Every year, the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage involves over a hundred interns in our various activities. We offer internships year-round in various fields, including folklore, cultural anthropology, ethnomusicology, linguistics, museum studies, arts administration, graphic and web design, videography, marketing, social media, and library science. Internships can take place remotely or in Washington, D.C.
Canadian Conservation Institute:
- Archaeological conservation field services. CCI offers conservation services at archaeological excavations, including recovery of fragile artifacts in the field, “first aid” for artifacts and packing. CCI can also provide field schools for students. Closes February 17, 2025.
- Archaeological conservation treatment — Pre- and post-excavation. CCI undertakes conservation and restoration treatments of archaeological objects to retard further deterioration, to aid interpretation or to re-establish culturally significant qualities. Treatments can range from minimal stabilization to extensive restoration or reconstruction. Closes February 17, 2025.
- Facility advisory services in 2025–2026. Advisors offers two main services: a facility assessment service and a capital project advisory service. The first includes a general assessment of facilities and collections care practices. The second includes support to identify risks to collections during new builds or major renovations. Although we welcome applications from all institutions, special consideration will be given to those from Indigenous and other equity-deserving groups and to those located far from large urban centres. Closes March 1, 2025.
Introductory Nêhiyawêwin (Plains Cree) Language Course. Join us for a Cree language course that weaves together language learning and cultural teachings through storytelling. This course offers participants the opportunity to learn Cree words and phrases while gaining deeper insights into the cultural values, traditions, and knowledge embedded in Nêhiyawêwin. Wednesdays at 7pm Eastern / 4pm Pacific time. March 12, 19, 26 / April 2, 9, 16, 30 / May 7. Nêhiyaw (Cree) Participants: FREE. Other Indigenous participants: 50% discounted option. Non-Indigenous Participants: Early Bird until Feb 21 – $160 ($20/session) / After Feb 21 – $200 ($25/session).
Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) Introductory Online Language Course (8 x 90 min classes). This course is open to everyone – both Indigenous and non-Indigenous participants who wish to learn to uplift language revitalization. Thursday evenings, 5:30pm-7:00pm Eastern Time: April 3, 10, 17, 24 / May 1, 8, 15, 22. FREE for Indigenous Participants. 75% Discounted Rate for Indigenous Participants: Option to contribute a smaller amount (75% off regular) to support this course. Non-Indigenous Participants: Early Bird until Feb 21 – $160 ($20/session) / After Feb 21 – $180 ($22.50/session).
Ktunaxa Introductory Online Language Course. Join Alfred Joseph and Mara Nelson for 8 weeks of Foundational Ktunaxa Language Learning. Learn the sounds, words and some history of the Ktunaxa Language. This course is open to everyone – both Indigenous and non-Indigenous participants who wish to learn to uplift language revitalization. Mondays at 7pm Mountain Time / 6pm Pacific Time on April 7, 14, 21, 28 and May 5, 12, 19, 26. FREE for Ktunaxa Participants. Other Indigenous participants: 50% off regular price. Non-Indigenous Participants: Early Bird until March 15: $160 ($20/session) / Regular after March 15: $200 ($25/session)
Introductory Southern Michif Language Online Course. Participants will have the opportunity to delve into the rich Métis heritage and acquire fundamental Michif language skills. Led by a traditional Michif speaker Marie Schoenthal, this workshop promises an immersive experience that celebrates and preserves Métis culture. Mondays in April, May & June: April 28 / May 5, 12, 26 / June 2, 9. Start Time: 6pm Pacific Time / 7pm Mountain Time/ 8pm Central Time / 9pm Eastern Time. FREE for Indigenous Participants. Indigenous Participant 50% discount option (if you are able and would like to contribute). Non-Indigenous Participants: Early Bird until March 15: $120 ($20/session) / Regular after March 15: $150 ($25/session).