- Arts BC Hotline. Working in the arts and culture industry often requires us to navigate quickly through new and unfamiliar challenges. We know this, and we’ve created our Arts Hotline service with the aim of making it easier for you to get the support and trouble-shooting you need on all things arts, culture and community-focused.
- Northeast Documentation Centre: Ready or not: Disaster Preparedness for Community Archives.NEDCC’s “Ready – Or Not” project funded by the California State Library conducts emergency preparedness assessments of California organizations stewarding cultural resources. Following each visit, the project delivers a report with recommendations for mitigating risks, taking emergency preparedness actions, and completing a disaster plan, ensuring that California’s cultural heritage is preserved in the future. 10 short videos on this playlist.
- A Guide to Language Revitalization: Promising Education Practices for Consideration by First Nations Schools. (2023). A publication of the First Nations Education Steering Committee and the First Nations Schools Association. This resource is intended to supplement other FNESC resources on language revitalization, including McIvor’s (2015) Reviving Your Language Through Education: B.C. First Nations Language Education Planning Workbook and Ignace’s (2016) First Nations Language Curriculum Building Guide. Those resources describe more comprehensive approaches to planning and curriculum development.
- Canadian Conservation Institute/Canadian Heritage Information Training and Learning Calendar: https://www.canada.ca/en/conservation-institute/services/training-learning/training-learning-calendar.html?mc_cid=c1f078ae8d&mc_eid=14e3a90b52
- Language Revitalization Mentors Program. Endangered Languages Program: We are here to help! Talk with an ELP Language Revitalization Mentor to get support, ask questions, connect to learning resources, and discuss your language revitalization work with a helpful person.
- Words and Cultures. Words and Culture weaves conversations with Indigenous language and knowledge keepers together with music by Indigenous artists. The team creating this original content is made up exclusively of Indigenous producers, hosts and guests. Words and Culture is funded by SiriusXM Canada through the Community Radio Fund of Canada. https://www.wordsandculture.ca/
National Breath of Live Archival Institute for Indigenous Languages- Training Modules: https://mc.miamioh.edu/nbol/training/index
Indigenous Protocols for the Visual Arts. https://www.indigenousprotocols.art/
Indigenous Language Education Policy in Canada: https://indigenouslanguagepolicy.ca/
Amelia Douglas Institute for Métis Culture and Language Website: https://ameliadouglasinstitute.ca/
Words of our Ancestors. (MNBC). An Introduction to Michif and Indigenous Language Revitalization.
Creating Online Indigenous Language Courses. NEȾOLṈEW̱. Visit:https://www.youtube.com/@netolnew991
International Decade of Indigenous Languages
The Global Task Force for Making a Decade of Action for Indigenous Languages was officially launched by UNESCO with participation of Member States, indigenous peoples’ organizations, three-party United Nations mechanisms, the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
- September 2023. Assembly of First Nations. First Nations National Action Plan for the United Nations International Decade of Indigenous Languages.
- April 22, 2022. Canadian Launch of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages. https://rcgs.org/indigenous-languages/
- March 17, 2022. FPCC website for Decade of Indigenous Languages. https://fpcc.ca/stories/the-decade-of-indigenous-languages/
- November 16, 2021. Read the Global Action Plan: https://en.unesco.org/idil2022-2032/globalactionplan
- OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://idil2022-2032.org/
Federal Indigenous Languages Act
- Office of the Commissioner of Indigenous Languages: https://commissionforindigenouslanguages.ca/
- DCH Indigenous Languages website: https://www.canada.ca/en/services/culture/canadian-identity-society/languages/indigenous.html and the recordings of the Indigenous Languages Symposium in January 2021.
- Dr. Lorna Williams presents to the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs: Indigenous Language Study. February 1, 2023. Listen/read the full session: https://openparliament.ca/committees/indigenous-affairs/44-1/48/
- June 2023. Reclaiming, Revitalizing, Maintaining and Strengthening Indigenous Languages in Canada: Report of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs. https://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/INAN/report-9/
- Assembly of First Nations Fact Sheet: First Nations language funding fact sheet: https://afn.bynder.com/m/1fa00c203bb77e39/original/Languages-Funding-Factsheet-2023.pdf
- October 6, 2023. Assembly of First Nations. Languages and Learning Issues Update: https://afn.bynder.com/m/1402ce53e410762e/original/Languages-and-Learning-Issues-Update.pdf